2 poems by ArtInCrochet

Fevers of the Mind


Your cumulus
fell in drops of

each stone’s throw last night

I study every pebble soaked
in Fibonacci
shapes of cosmic union

My earth a tasseography
a read
of testament
of your love

Long after you’re gone

Dark White

in darkness

A white disquiet

taps her icy fingers
palming a chill to bones
rubbing a shiver on puckered skin

Warming to hum of generator
& a shoddy cup of soup

A plea
in mouthful mists
escapes each cold breath
I’ll worship tomorrow’s sun

pen name ArtInCrochet
Doctor by profession now a-
Crochet Artist, Art Tutor Writer of Children’s Stories, Philanthropist. Poet. Dabbles in poetry reading & writing. Art Lover. Bird lover. Dreams and blogs.
Published in online literary journal , ‘Tide Rises Tide Falls’ also on Medium under A Cornered Gurl @acg

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Published by sarikajaswani

Crochet Artist. Authored Original Children's Stories. Philanthropist

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